Friday, March 28, 2008

Silly Signs

This fence separates Foxborough Gardens from Dressington Avenue (there is a big drop in levels, not because the two streets want to be divided, you understand). Foxborough Gardens residents contacted me concerned that people kept using the area as a shortcut between Foxborough Gardens and Dressington Avenue and that the fence had been bent to enable people to squeeze through, which also created a risk of small children falling through the gap. The drainpipe on the one house had also been pulled off by people climbing on it.

I was pleased to see when I went passed today that the fence had been fixed, but was somewhat bemused by the 'Warning! Anti-climb paint' sign that had been fixed to it. Unfortunately, the fence has not seen a lick of paint in many years, anti-climb or otherwise. I have now submitted another request that the fence be painted.

Meanwhile, as reported by my friend Jim, signs that mysteriously appeared on lamp posts along Tressillian Road and other parts of the conservation area have been causing controversy. The signs, which read 'thieves want your sat-nav' and 'they want your pod' have prompted a number of local residents to resort to a bit of direct action and pull them down.

Dean, one of the Brockley ward councillors is following up on who put the signs there and why. The Safer Neighbourhood teams, councillors and local residents certainly weren't consulted and many feel that the signs are unduly alarmist, not to mention unsightly and at just the right height to poke your eye out.

So at one end of the ward we have laughably ineffectual signage trying to stop anti-social behaviour and at the other signs seemingly designed to scare local residents and increase the fear of crime.


Michael said...

"So at one end of the ward we have laughably ineffectual signage trying to stop anti-social behaviour and at the other signs seemingly designed to scare local residents and increase the fear of crime."

Since the police are now routinely stopping and searching people who take photographs in public places under the anti-terrorism act, it seems that the whole purpose of the Met Police is now to scare people, not enforce the law.

Jim Jepps said...

"at just the right height to poke your eye out"

lol - that is so my mum!

If she were to be believed every hazard (imagined or real) could "have your eye out". I was always astonished that the pavements weren't covered in eyes that had been popped out by this wicked world

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I regularly find myself getting more and more like MY mum as I get older, but like your mum too?! Aagh, I think I'm just getting prematurely middle-aged!