Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Application for a betting shop on Brockley Road

An application has been lodged with Greenwich Magistrates Court for a license to open a betting shop at 329-331 Brockley Road (currently Homeview Video Shop). This has caused considerable concern among local residents, over 40 of whom have already been in touch with us. Below is the letter we are distributing to residents in the nearby area detailing how to object if they wish:

Dear Local Resident,

Betting Shop application on Brockley Road

Your local Green councillors share the concerns of local residents about proposals for a betting shop at 329-331 Brockley Road (currently the Homeview video shop). Although the premises have been given planning permission for a change of use, the Planning Committee were led to believe this was for an estate agent.

Greenwich Magistrates Court are currently considering the application for a betting licence, and they will take into account objections received in the next few weeks. If you wish to object, you need to send two copies of your letter to:

The Clerk to the Licensing Justices, Greenwich Magistrates Court, 9 Blackheath Road, Greenwich SE10 8PG

Clearly state your own address and the proposal to which you are objecting. As the magistrates can only consider certain grounds for refusing a licence, objections need to focus on the lack of demand for another betting shop and on the impact of the existing betting shops and the proposed new one on the area. Issues to address could include the fact that there are already two betting shops nearby, concerns over a potential increase in anti-social behaviour and the vicinity of a school. The loss of the video shop will not be considered a valid reason for the magistrates to turn down the application.

The six Green councillors on Lewisham Council will be submitting formal objections as we believe another betting shop would have a very negative effect on the area. We are committed to supporting local shops and want to see a wide range of local shops and services which genuinely serve the community.

If you would like further information, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Yours sincerely,

Cllr Mike Keogh Cllr Sue Luxton Cllr Ute Michel (Green Party councillors for Ladywell Ward)

Cllr Darren Johnson Cllr Romayne Phoenix Cllr Dean Walton (Green Party councillors for Brockley Ward)

1 comment:

Alex said...

Hi Sue,

I should have left this comment yesterday but I was a bit snowed under.
The radio show you contributed to about this issue was broadcast last night and is now available to podcast from
