Thursday, May 06, 2010

Decision Time

Well, polling day is finally upon us. Blogging has taken a bit of a back seat in the past few weeks in the hurly burly of the election campaign. We've spoken to thousands of local residents - if we didn't speak to you, we knocked on your door and tried. We've worked hard over the past four years, think we've made a difference locally and would be honoured to serve the people of Ladywell for another four years.

If you agree, we hope you'll give us your support today, and vote for Charlotte, who we believe will make an excellent councillor and ourselves, as well as Dean for Mayor of Lewisham and Darren for MP.

Ute and Sue.


Geoffrey said...

Gutted by the result. The hard work of all three of you over the last four years deserves praise. Thank you.

Unknown said...

I was really really looking forward to being a Ladywell councillor, and am devastated that I didn't get the chance. Fingers crossed for 2014!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Geoffrey!